Advisory Board

David F. Chang, MD (Chair)
Chair ASCRS Foundation; past president and executive board member ASCRS; co-chair OICS Task Force.

Gitanjali B. Baveja, MD
Chief medical officer, Zasti.

Barbara Erny, MD
ASCRS Representative; Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health steering committee.

Oliver Findl, MD
President, ESCRS.

John Hovanesian, MD
OSN associate editor; Co-chair of OICS Task Force sub-committee on industry collaboration.

Cathleen McCabe, MD
Past-president OOSS; Chair ASCRS Refractive CC; co-chair OICS Task Force.

David Palmer, MD
Co-chair OICS Task Force sub-committee on drug waste.

Jeff Pettey, MD
Lead, AAO Taskforce on Sustainability

Alan Robin, MD
AGS Executive Director, co-chair OICS Task Force sub-committee on drug waste.

Todd L. Sack, MD
Executive Director, My Green Doctor Foundation.

Cassandra Thiel, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept Population Health, NYU.

Rengaraj Venkatesh, MD
Chief of Aravind Pondicherry, India.
Editorial Board

Aakriti Garg Shukla, MD (Chair)
Chair, ASCRS YES sustainability sub-committee

Sjoerd Elferink, MD
Chair, ESCRS YO sustainability committee; co-founder, Dutch Working Group on Sustainable Ophthalmology

Darby Miller, MD, MPH
Chair, AAO YO sustainability sub-committee

Sean Berkowitz, MD

Evan Chen, MD

Jake Grodsky, MD

Joey Hsia, MD

Amy Mehta, MD

Milad Modabber, MD

Brenda Nuyen, MD

Shriji Patel, MD, MBA

Sam Reiter, MD

Khelly Savant, MD

Emily Schehlein, MD

Shefali Sood, MD

Jenna Tauber, MD, MSCI

Margaret Tharp, MS-II

Ana Vega, MD

Kira Wang, MS-I

Yee Ling Wong, MBChB

Annie M. Wu, MD

Mahsaw Mansoor, MD

Stephanie P. Chen, MD

Sruti Rachapudi, MD, MBA
Medical Student Committee

Amy Song
Co-Lead of the EyeSustain Medical Student Committee (MSC) 2024-2026

Ishani Majmudar
Co-Lead of the EyeSustain Medical Student Committee (MSC) 2024-2026

Meg Tharp
Lead of the EyeSustain Medical Student Committee 2023-2024, Co-lead of the MSC Research Sub-Committee

Madeline Rocks
Co-lead of the MSC Clinical Sustainability Sub-Committee

Archeta Rajagopalan
Co-lead of the MSC Clinical Sustainability Sub-Committee

Kira Wang
Co-lead of the MSC Research Sub-Committee

Sarishka Desai
Co-lead of the MSC Education Sub-Committee

Sofia Miguez
Co-lead of the MSC Education Sub-Committee

Jonathan Bailey
Co-lead of the MSC Engagement Sub-Committee

Hoang-Viet Tran
Co-lead of the MSC Engagement Sub-Committee

Arvind Sommi
Co-lead of the MSC Industry Sub-Committee

Priyanka Bhatnagar
Co-lead of the MSC Contact Lens Project

Nitya Devireddy
Co-lead of the MSC Contact Lens Project

Bhargavee Gnanasambandam
Co-lead of the MSC Innovations Sub-Committee

Aparna Reddy
Co-lead of the MSC Innovations Sub-Committee